Sunday, August 21, 2016

Darkmoon Vale (day 1-2)

The heroes were compelled to plot their own journey to and through Darkmoon Vale. Since none of them were familiar with the area, they needed to make a stop at the Lumber's Consortium Camp.

The Lumber Consortium Camp cuts an ugly scar of stumps into a dense stand of proud darkwood trees. Five sturdy-looking buildings - seemingly a bunkhouse, meal hall, office, barn, and smithy - stand with numerous wide carts and sleds amid the sawdust-covered clearing.

The camp appears callous and unrelenting. Hrok inquired the first band of surly loggers they encountered after woodsman Milon Rhoddam.

Milon Rhoddam is a blunt and quiet man. His nephew has taken ill with blackscour taint and, when the heroes explain they 're trying to find reagents to brew a cure, he gladly sketched them a rough map of the forest, marking the location of where he believes Ulizmila's hut, the oldest tree in the forest, and the dwarven ruins stand.

The entire journey, from Falcon's Hollow to the Lumber Camp, to various forest locations and to the old dwarven ruins, is just over 37 miles in length. The entire journey will take five days, plus any time spent exploring or days spent resting. (C) on the map denotes the eldest tree in the forest, while (D) is Ulizmila's hut.

On their first day in the forest, the heroes happened upon a dead tree streaked with multicolored dye. Three humanoid-shaped small figures made of gnarled wood were pinned there.

The first time the characters drew near the lake, Tok heard an animal's whimpering a short distance away.

Not far from the edge of the forest-shrouded lake, a fox with large ears and bright orange fur lay bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully in the jaws of a crude iron trap.

Although the fox here has obviously been snared by a hunter's cruel trap, the beast's cries are part of a ploy meant to lure greater prey. A hobgoblin with a prodigious cleft palate lurks in the nearby treeline, watching over his catch with his bow and waiting for greater prey.

All but Tok are surprised when the hobgoblin attacks, He is accompanied by two trained hawks, one of which Valeros killed. Tok approached the tree the hobgoblin was on, and afterwards he leapt from its perch.

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