Sunday, January 29, 2017

Crown of the Kobold King (days 10-11)

A fissure opened into a crevasse within a stalagmite cave. Navigating the crevasse required climbing. A medium character must squeeze to fit through the crevasse. The heroes sent down Edgrin, who told them the cave was inhabited by a giant bat. The heroes decided to ignore it and look for the last child.

They found him in a dark and cold ossuary which was full of the sound of dripping water. A dark corridor ran north down the center of the room, while to either side two large bays opened into small niches that contained ancient dwarven skeletons. At the far end of the corridor rest a large iron anvil. All of the niches were once barred with locked iron grates. The grates were rusted and broken along the far east and west walls. The ones that sealed the alcoves directly adjacent to the corridor, however, were still solid. The sealed alcoves contained dwarf skeletons, five on either side of the corridor. These bones did not animate until the heroes tried to traverse the hallway. Small openings between the backs of the niches and the hallway allowed the skeletons to reach through the wall to claw at the heroes as they passed. The heroes destroyed the skeletons. Savram Vade lay behind the anvil on the opposite end of the corridor. He ran down the corridor, receiving a vicious cut on his arm from a skeleton's claw. Other than that wound and the fact that he is dehydrated and hasn't eaten in days, the boy is alright. With all the children accounted for, the heroes rested before heading back out of the dungeon.

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