Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Cold Rider Cometh (Lamashan [October]-Neth [November] 4708 AR)

The heroes then set up a trap for the quickling. Wrack removed Aranthor's blindness, while Seoni rendered Wrack invisible, and he and Mrunk lay in wait while Seoni and Aranthor were stumbling about. The quickling could not resist, and the heroes managed to kill it.

When the heroes managed to recover the witch ice shard, Namdrin appeared next to them immediately. Seizing the shard, he casually snapped it in half and kneeled over the fragments, sobbing. As his tears trickled off his face and onto the fragments, they slowly began to melt and grow, eventually expanding into the unconscious (but living) form of Tessa, his lost love. With a smile, he picked up her sleeping form and carried her into a nearby wagon, returning moments later with his twin swords, a fully charged wand of cure light wounds, and a determined look on his face. He handed the heroes the wand and then slowly faced each of them in return and calmly thanked each one for restoring his life to him. Then the expression on his face turned grim and he said, "Now let us put an end to these vile creatures and drive them back to the shadows where they belong". From that point on, Namdrin aided the heroes as they struggled to overcome the fey.

When the heroes disrupted or stopped six different carnival events, the cold rider appeared to challenge the heroes directly, and with his appearance, the heroes finally had a chance to put an end to the fey carnival once and for all. Striding out of the forest came a horrifying creature of ice and bone mounted atop a rotting dead stag and clutching a tremendous icy glaive in one mighty gauntlet. Impressive antlers of jagged ice perched atop the rider's helm, putting his stag's to shame. At the center of the dread thing's frost laden breastplate sat a crystal of pure sapphire, glittering in the dancing light cast by the floating lights above. The cold rider stood on the frozen ice of the river and yelled his challenge: "Heroes, those who would stand against the power of ice and the might of the north, come and face me, and face death!"

The cold rider meets the heroes on the frozen river. The area he chose was where the carnies were setting up the fireworks display, and several small stacks of firecrackers still littered the ground there. The cold rider used ride-by-attack to harry foes while remaining out of reach. It fought to the bitter end.

When the cold rider was defeated, the Eye of Rapture melted away into nothingness, and all the lights above the carnival winked out at once, plunging the scene into darkness. The fey withdrew. They had been defeated, for now, but the town might never recover.

After the heroes succeeded in defeating the cold rider and released Syntira's fey from his evil influence, she brew up a special concoction that reversed the transformation of ale imbibers into trees, restoring the revelers back into their original forms. Among them was Millon Rhodam. A couple of hundred fair-goers died or went missing. Among the dead was Sheriff Deldrin Baleson, while among the missing were Kimi Eavewalker, Hollin Hebbradan and Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks.

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