Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Crown of the Kobold King (day 6)

The next roomy cavern was filled with dirty straw nests, scraps of weapons, armor, other junk, and the discarded remains of the kobold tribe's meals.

Most of the kobolds lived here, sleeping among the rocky boulders and fighting over the comfortable niches against the walls.

Twelve kobolds awaited the heroes here, along with two bloodscale commanders. The horde of reptilian monsters charged the heroes when they entered.

The bloodscales rallied the kobold warriors and yelled for help.

The kobolds put up a stiff fight. Nevertheless, some of them fled.

Help arrived from other areas fast. The heroes' kobold allies only fought as long as they thought they were on the winning side. They switched side when it appeared they might be losing.

Five kobold reinforcements snuck up on Kibbo and Jarrdreg and the children, three of them using flying talons to make trip and disarm attacks, along with a slurk-mounted kobold hopping wall to wall down the corridors and careening to anyone standing. These kobolds killed Kibbo and Jarrdreg while the heroes were engaged with another foe, but Jeva transformed into a hybrid werewolf form and attacked the kobolds.

The kobold reinforcements almost killed Hrol, but the choker showed up to return the favor, suddenly appearing and lashing out from above at a kobold about to strike Hrol.

The kobold reinforcements fought to the death but Kerrdremak in the end surrendered to the heroes.

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